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Arquitectos contemporaneos (Hardcover)

Arquitectos contemporaneos (Hardcover)
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Written by three architectural journalists, this book offers an a-to-z look at 100 of the world’s best architects, from the Madrid-based team Abalos & Herreros to Peter Zumthor, one of the most important figures on the Swiss architectural scene. The two-page spreads combine analytical text with a selection of stunning photos showing the architects’ most famous works, while providing an overview of the varied nature of architecture today. Such luminaries as Frank Gehry, Michael Graves, Maya Lin, and Richard Meier, are discusssed along with the accomplishments of Japanese architects Kenzo Tange and Toyo Ito, Italian designers Renzo Piano and Vittorio Gregotti, and Dutch firms West 8 and UN Studio.

Escrito por tres periodistas expertos en arquitectura, pone en su lugar a los arquitectos mas importantes y provocativos del panorama mundial desde el equipo madrileño Abalos y Herreros hasta Peter Zumthor, uno de los mas importantes de la arquitectura suiza. Una entrada consiste de doble pagina para cada arquitecto o grupos de arquitectos, una de ellas con fotografiás, con un diseño claro y atractivo organizado por orden alfabético. Esta obra echa por tierra las complicada clasificaciones arquitectónicas habituales y ofrece una introducción y una visión directa de los arquitectos contemporáneos mas destacados. Además proporciona un retrato de la variada naturaleza de la arquitectura de nuestros días.

Kester Rattenbury is an architecture journalist and a professor at the University of Westminster in London. He is the author of This Is Not Architecture. Robert Bevan is a journalist and the former editor of the magazine Building Design. Kieran Long is editor in chief for Icon magazine, has taught architecture at London Metropolitan University, and has contributed several articles to such magazines as Baumeister and RIBA Journal. He is the author of New London Interiors.

Product ID: 500805
Category: Architecture
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
242 pages, Cloth, 7 1/2 x 8 3/4
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