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Languages > Marathi
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Language Information

Marathi is spoken in western India, principally in the state of Maharashtra, which includes the city of Bombay. Speakers of Marathi extend down the coast as far as Goa, though there a special dialect called Konkani is spoken, different enough from Marathi to be considered by some linguists as a separate language. Marathi, like Hindi, is one of the Indic languages, and the alphabet is the same as that used in Hindi. With about 65 million speakers, it ranks as one of the major languages of India.

Marathi is spoken/used in India

Language Family
Family: Indo-European
Subgroup: Indo-Iranian
Branch: Indic

Copyright © Kenneth Katzner, The Languages of the World, Published by Routledge.

Writing Sample

Writing Sample


I have a sort of hazy recollection of certain events, but I am unable to state for a certainty whether they really happened as I remember them, or whether these memories are greatly em-bellished by my fertile imagination. However, enough of these tiresome reflections. Let us begin the story of my life with the earliest recollection that comes to mind. Having thus begun, I shall recount later on what I know of earlier events (as told, of course, by those around me).


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