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Speak to Me English Learning Video Level 1 ESL for Russian Speakers

Speak to Me English Learning Video Level 1 ESL for Russian Speakers
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Speak To Me - EFL Video Series
DVD's plus Workbooks

Speak to Me is a great EFL video series for speakers of Chinese, German, Korean, Russian, Portuguese or Vietnamese. A monolingual English version is also available. Speak To Me is intended for classroom or self-study use. The series is professional-quality and the methodologies are sound and complete. It is the best video course we have seen for beginning to intermediate learners of English. 3 levels available.

Product ID: 8520
Category: ESL Lessons
Supporting languages: English, Russian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, DVD
About Speak To MeTM EFL Video Series

English is the language of international business and success in much of the world today. Learning to speak English effectively can be the best investment you can make in yourself- for travel, for business, for career advancement. It marks you as an educated, progressive person.

The old-fashioned ways to study English were through books and cassettes, or in crowded classrooms. These methods are inadequate for some of today's needs. Seeing a word in a book doesn't help you pronounce it; hearing a word doesn't help you spell it or use it properly in a sentence.

The most natural way to learn a language is the way you learned your native tongue- step by step as a child, hearing the words that describe an object as you see it before you, then using the words until they becomes automatic.

Speak To Me:

  • The Speak To Me learning system is one of the fastest, easiest, and surest way to learn English.
  • All you need is a VCR, a television, and the desire to learn English.
  • Learn quickly. You will find that you understand the basics of English almost immediately. Every day you will add new words and phrases to your vocabulary.
  • Speak To Me teaches the most commonly used words in the English language.

    Pronunciation a problem? In the Pronunciation and Vocabulary Course, each word is pronounced by a native speaker and then repeated immediately by the learner. In fact, it teaches every consonant and vowel sound in the English language.

    Speak To Me works for everyone! Speak to Me is an ideal introduction to English. Beginners will be able to communicate effectively right away. Intermediate to advanced can use the video to improving vocabulary and refining their accents.

    Value- Speak To Me consists of nine video cassettes (available in VHS and Beta) in three sets with corresponding workbooks, plus a two-cassette Pronunciation and Vocabulary Course that completes the entire series.

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