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Aashiq (DVD)

Aashiq (DVD)
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What's love…? Romance and passion, the deep sighs, and the long nights! Sure, but it is also caring, sharing and the feeling that puts the beloved before one's self and one who truly lives up to this the real lover - The Aashiq. Chander (Bobby Deol) is a fun loving, carefree young man who believes in standing up for others. This streak earns him enemies, but also brings him in front of Pooja (Karishma Kapoor) who is besotted by him. What follows is a fun filled romance and before long Pooja and Chander are hopelessly in love. But then Pooja gets abducted by a henious flesh - trader (Rahul Dev) and Chander is framed for the crime. An out law on the run whilst evading hand cuffs, it is his near impossible mission to rescue his beloved from the lecherous world of flesh trade. Willing to take any risk, Chander puts his own life at stake and an absorbing, thrilling, emotionally charged experience ensues. Aashiq a film for those who understand love. A film which addresses sensitive issues, cushioned with entertainment and fun. With Indra Kumar, the connoissuer of drama and romance, at the helm of affairs, this comes as no surprise. What comes filled with surprises in Aashiq!

Product ID: 3161
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: DVD
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