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Languages > Arabic > Al-Kitaab/Textbook for Beginning Arabic - Part One (Paper) Answer Key
Al-Kitaab/Textbook for Beginning Arabic - Part One (Paper) Answer Key

Al-Kitaab/Textbook for Beginning Arabic - Part One (Paper) Answer Key
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This Arabic language textbook program uses a communicative, proficiency-oriented approach with fully integrated audiovisual media to teach modern Arabic as a living language. Intended primarily for college and graduate students but accessible enough for anyone, the series focuses on developing skills in standard Arabic and gradually introducing students to Egyptian Arabic, the most widely spoken dialect in the Arabic-speaking world.

Packaged with a set of three audio CDs, Alif Baa, Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, is intended for anyone interested in learning modern Arabic as a living language. The first part of the Al-Kitaab language program, it embodies two main premises: that the student can and should learn to recognize and produce the sounds of Arabic correctly from the very beginning, and that the student should be introduced to the full range of the Arabic language and cultural continuum—colloquial, modern standard, and classical.

Alif Baa introduces about 150 basic vocabulary words, including social greetings and politeness formulae, most of which are common to standard Arabic and one or more dialects. The book and CDs focus on reading skills, aural recognition, and oral production through extensive drills and accompanying DVD. Including authentic materials from newspapers and magazines and skits filmed in Egypt, as well as an English-Arabic glossary, Alif Baa lays the groundwork for the rest of the Al-Kitaab language program.

Note: If you going to purchase this answer-key booklet, we require you to purchase Al-Kitaab/Textbook for Beginning Arabic : Part One (Paper) (product I.D. number 41547).

Product ID: 105022     ISBN-13: 9780878402977     ISBN-10: 0878402977
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn
Supporting language: Arabic
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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