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Languages > French > Children's Books > Grades K~2 > Alfie's Angeles - French / English (Paperback)
Alfie's Angeles - French / English (Paperback)

Alfie's Angeles - French / English (Paperback)
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Alfie's Angeles - French / English (Paperback)

by Henriette Barkow illustrated by Sarah Garson Alfie is a little boy with a big imagination. He longs to be an angel in the school show. But aren't all angels girls? Discover how Alfie's enthusiasm wins over his classmates and teacher and makes his dreams come true. Hopefully this story will encourage all the Alfie's out there to come forward. Another classic by the contemporary author Henriette Barkow.

Product ID: 504918     ISBN-13: 9781852699772
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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