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Building Stories in English (HB)

Building Stories in English (HB)
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Buildings are like books with stories that last They tell us our present and also our past! There's a wonderful history and story to discover about every building in Building Stories - a rich collection of photographs and facts, all told in rhyming verse to delight young readers. Captivating and unusual images from musical instruments to a pencil, a phone, a big wheel with wings, and others that adorn the buildings will encourage children to look more closely at their own neighborhoods and want to learn more about the characters, plots, and settings of these amazing buildings and buildings all around them. Includes the location of and a brief history of each building!

Product ID: 505010     ISBN-10: 1595722793
Category: Children's Books
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Hardcover: 40 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1595722793
ISBN-13: 978-1595722799
Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 10.1 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
New York photographer Isabel Hill's Building Stories captures fanciful details of city architecture that open kids' eyes to the often unseen marvels of their hometown. ...Charming couplets make the connection between the detail and the building's purpose crystal clear." -Time Out Kids NY "Building Stories is a book that arrives every once in a while, a book that effortlessly balances learning with fun. Who knew that buildings had so much to say? All we had to do was listen--and Isabel Hill absolutely speaks the mysterious language of buildings." -V.S., New York Journal of Books About the Author Isabel Hill is a photographer, architectural historian, urban planner and award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her photographs have appeared in many publications. She is a principal in Building History Associates, a small company specializing in reports, photographs and documentary films on architecture and urban issues.
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