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Chinese Language For Beginners (Paperback)

Chinese Language For Beginners (Paperback)
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Reading basic Chinese becomes child’s play with this simple, attractive introduction. :ee Cooper teaches the elements of Chinese writing, pronunciation and vocabulary with playful illustrations and the clearest prose possible. She combines simple characters for words such as “big,” “man,” and “moon.” Within minutes, you can read a Chinese sentence! Pronunciation and intonation, as well as a vocabulary glossary, are elaborated in an appendix. Beautiful, imaginative Chinese characters hand-painted by a professional calligrapher and amusing illustrations make this introduction an especial joy.

Product ID: 44059     ISBN-13: 9780804809184     ISBN-10: 0804809186
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn, Learn > Beginners
Supporting language: Chinese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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