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Chinese - Sun Zi - The Art of War (327 pages)

Chinese - Sun Zi - The Art of War (327 pages)
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This is the classic Chinese text in a bilingual edition with commentaries. The Art of War is the earliest known text on the strategies of war. It analyzes the mechanics of war and expounds Sun Zi's views of the many other factors that are significantly related to war. Such strategies as "if you know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight one hundred battles without facing the danger of defeat", and "attack the foe when he is unprepared, appear where you are least expected", have inspired victories in wars on numerous occasions in history. they were also successfully applied Mao Zedong in China's revolutionary wars.
Sun Zi: The Art of War remains relevant to present times. From it not only can strategists still derive knowledge beneficial to achieving victory, but entrepreneurs too can usefully apply Sun Zi's strategic approach to their work. Many businessmen have scored victories in commercial wars by following the advice contained in this treatise. This is shown in the commercial and economic books based on Sun Zi: The Art of War now available in print, which all points to the vitality and value of this ancient book. 327 pages, softbound, bilingual Chinese and English.

Product ID: 31509     ISBN-10: 1566192978
Category: Reference
Supporting language: Chinese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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