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Languages > Dutch
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Baby - Kindergarten
Bilingual Baby Dutch DVD
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Keyboard Stickers for Belgian - Dutch (white)
Talk More! Dutch
Microsoft Office
Dutch Microsoft Office 2000 Pro OEM w/ optical mouse
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GST 100 Font Selection
Berlitz Dutch Cassette Pack
Word Processing
Press International Multilanguage DTP
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Language Information

Dutch is spoken by the 15 million inhabitants of the Netherlands, and is also the official language of Surinam in South America, and of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. It is also spoken in northern Belgium but there the language is generally referred to as Flemish.

Dutch, like English, is one of the Germanic languages, and thus part of the Indo-European family. It stands about midway between English and German and is the closest to English of any of the major languages.

Long a maritime nation, the Dutch have left their imprint on many languages of the world. Many Dutch nautical terms have been adopted into other languages. Dutch idioms and syntax are still evident in present-day Indonesian. English words of Dutch origin include deck, yacht, easel, freight. furlough, brandy, cookie, cruller, waffle, maelstrom, isinglass, and Santa Claus. Many place names in New York City, such as Brooklyn, Flushing, Harlem, Staten Island, and the Bowery, are reminders of the old Dutch colony of New Amsterdam.

Dutch is spoken/used in the following countries:
Aruba (Dutch), Belgium, Canada, Netherlands (Holland), Netherlands Antilles, Suriname, United States of America.

Language Family
Family: Indo-European
Subgroup: Germanic
Branch: Western

Copyright © Kenneth Katzner, The Languages of the World, Published by Routledge.

Writing Sample

Writing Sample


During that night I really felt that I had to die, I waited for the police, I was prepared, as the soldier is on the battlefield. I was eager to lay down my life for the country, but now, now I've been saved again, now my first wish after the war is that I may become Dutch! I love the Dutch, I love this country, I love the language and want to work here. And even if I have to write to the Queen myself, I will not give up until I have reached my goal.

—ANNE FRANK, The Diary of a Young Girl

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