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El Demente Exquisito

El Demente Exquisito
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The passionate and complex legacy of General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, one of the leading figures of Colombian politics in the 19th century, Bolívar's escort, and the President of Colombia more than once, is displayed in this biography. Mosquera's accomplishments—laying down the foundation of what would become the United States of Colombia and speaking out about modernization and economical opportunity—are explored alongside his tough personality, his loves and falling outs, his scandalous relationships, his early conservative political beliefs and his later liberal leanings, and his decrees of religious freedom.

El legado apasionado y complejo del General Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, una de las figuras principales de la política colombiana durante el siglo diecinueve porque fuera edecán de Bolívar y presidente de Colombia más de una vez, está detallado en esta biografía. Los logros de Mosquera incluyen el establecimiento del principio de los Estados Unidos de Colombia y hablar antes de nadie sobre la modernización y oportunidades económicas.

Product ID: 500975
Category: Biographies
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
640 pages, Trade Paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
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