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Languages > Haitian > Children's Books > Grades 3~5
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Zile Lespwa (Islands of Hope) in Haitian-Creole only by Kiki Latimer Zile Lespwa (Islands of Hope) in Haitian-Creole only by Kiki Latimer
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"Yes I Can" - for Kids / Wi Mwen Kapab pou Timoun in English & Haitian-Creole by Wilnes Brunat
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FCAT Preparation Haitian Creole Keys (grade 3) in English & Haitian-Creole FCAT Preparation Haitian Creole Keys (grade 3) in English & Haitian-Creole
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Istawa Ti Zwazo Ble a Istawa Ti Zwazo Ble a "Blue Bird" in Haitian-Creole by Maude Heurtelou
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Arbre Orthographique in Haitian-Creole by Eline Occessite Arbre Orthographique in Haitian-Creole by Eline Occessite
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Biyoloji Jeneral in Haitian-Creole w/English glossary Biyoloji Jeneral in Haitian-Creole w/English glossary
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Matematik twazyèm ane in Haitian-Creole Matematik twazyèm ane in Haitian-Creole
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Etap nan lavi plant in Haitian-Creole Etap nan lavi plant in Haitian-Creole
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Premye Vwayaj Mwen Ozetazini / My First Journey to the USA in English & Haitian-Creole Premye Vwayaj Mwen Ozetazini / My First Journey to the USA in English & Haitian-Creole
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Alfabè (Alphabet Flash Cards) in Haitian Creole by Maude Heurtelou Alfabè (Alphabet Flash Cards) in Haitian Creole by Maude Heurtelou
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Diksyonè Syans Kreyòl in Haitian-Creole by F .Vilsaint Diksyonè Syans Kreyòl in Haitian-Creole by F .Vilsaint
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Social Studies Glossary - Basic Social Studies Concepts with Dictionary in English & Haitian-Creole Social Studies Glossary - Basic Social Studies Concepts with Dictionary in English & Haitian-Creole
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Earth Science in English & Haitian-Creole Earth Science in English & Haitian-Creole
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World and Simple Machine / Travay ak Machin Senp in English & Haitian-Creole
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My Name is Nadine / Mwen Rele Nadine in English & Haitian-Creole
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Fables / Fab in English & Haitian-Creole - Fables
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Haitian-Creole Mini Library for Grades 3~5 in Haitian Creole
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Solèy nou an bay Lavi/ Our Sun Brings Life by Conrad J.Storad in Haitian Creole
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