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Intensive FSI French Basic Level 1 (19 Audio CDs)

Intensive FSI French Basic Level 1 (19 Audio CDs)
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The course is presented over four levels, so students can choose the level of proficiency they desire or decide when they no longer need assistance. This is a modern course, revised by Monique Cossard and the FSI staff. It follows a format of learning, practice and progress at your own pace, which is standard to these courses. For beginning students, the twenty-four units are designed for a six-month intensive training program of six hours of work per day, plus outside preparation. Each unit presents a situational topic introduced in a dialogue, and usually five grammar points. Each grammar point is preceded by grammar notes which generally are expressed in non-technical terms. Planned in four volumes, the French Basic Course was designed to help students reach a level of proficiency which will enable them to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations. SPECIAL Section from World Language Resources!! Course book preface!! Read the preface and get familiar in advance on what the course is going to bring to you:
  • Preface UNIT 1 Classroom expressions Dialogue: Dans la rue Useful words Vocabulary awareness Lexical drills Questions on the dialogue Grammar: 1: Noun-Marker - Definite article: le, la, etc.. 2: Subject pronouns 3: Inversion questions 4: Verb: être Question drill Response drill Review drills UNIT 2 Dialogue: Dans un petit hotel Useful words Vocabulary awareness Lexical drills Grammar: 1: Noun-Marker - Indefinite article: un, une, etc.. 2: Noun-Marker - Cardinal numbers 3: Negative adverb: ne...pas 4: Verb: avoir Situations Question drill Response drill Review drills Written drills UNIT 3 Dialogue: A la gare Dialogue notes Useful words 61 Vocabulary awareness Lexical drills Questions on the dialogue Grammar: 1: Noun-Marker - Demonstrative adjectives: ce, cet, etc.. 2: à la, au, etc.. 3: Yes/No questions 4: Verbs with infinitive ending in - ER Situations Question drill Response drill Review drills Written exercises UNIT 4 Dialogue: Faisons des courses Dialogue notes Useful words Vocabulary awareness Lexical drills Questions on the dialogue Grammar: 1: Noun-Marker - Possessive adjective: mon, son, etc.. 2: Noun-Marker - Indefinite article: du, de la, etc.. 3: Numbers to 100 4: Prepositions: chez/à 5: Verb: aller Situations Question drill Response drill Review drills Written exercises UNIT 5 Dialogue: Le climat Dialogue note Useful words Vocabulary awareness Lexical drills Questions on the dialogue Grammar: 1: Noun-marker - Indefinite adjective: plusieurs, quelques, etc.. 2: Noun-Markers in negative constructions 3: Large numbers 4: Impersonal verbs 5: Verb: faire Situations Question drill Response drill Review drills Written exercises UNIT 6 Review drills

    Product ID: 105332
    Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn
    Supporting language: French
    Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
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