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Languages > Haitian > Children's Books > Grades K~2 > Kanpe ak Derape, Vit ak Dousman/ Stop and Go, Fast and Slow/Diferan Fason yon Objč Deplase
Kanpe ak Derape, Vit ak Dousman/ Stop and Go, Fast and Slow/Diferan Fason yon Objč Deplase

Kanpe ak Derape, Vit ak Dousman/ Stop and Go, Fast and Slow/Diferan Fason yon Objč Deplase
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Kanpe ak Derape, Vit ak Dousman/ Stop and Go, Fast and Slow/Diferan Fason yon Objč Deplase

This book is part of a science series “Koleksyon Syans Mwen" in Haitian kreyňl. The series is divided into six themes: Plants, Animals, Forces, Matter, Earth and Space, and Nature of Science. Each theme includes six titles to yield 36 book titles. Each title in the collection is beautifully illustrated and contains critical thinking and comprehension questions, a glossary and an index.

Product ID: 504359     ISBN-13: 9781584327929
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting languages: Creole, Haitian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: 8"x8" book 2011, 24pp, Illustrated In Colors, Saddle Stapled
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