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Product Types > Software - Windows > LaserArabic & Farsi for Windows in Unicode
LaserArabic & Farsi for Windows in Unicode

LaserArabic & Farsi for Windows in Unicode
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LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode for Windows or Macintosh includes right-to-left, Unicode-encoded, TrueType® OpenType™ fonts in 4 typestyles with all characters and diacritics for standard modern Arabic and Persian (not Koranic Arabic), plus English and other west European (Latin 1) languages. Four additional fonts allow the user to emulate texts that do not include dots on the regular consonants.

Product ID: 38365
Categories: Fonts, Software - Windows, System
Supporting languages: Arabic, Farsi (Persian), Persian (Farsi)
Platforms/media types: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista
Specifications: Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 SP3

Requires installation into Windows of Arabic supplemental language support. This requires your original Windows installation CD. Our Setup Instructions provide instructions for installing this Windows feature.

This product will not work in any earlier version of Windows (NT/Me/98/95/3.x).

Applications Requires Microsoft Word 2007, Word 2003 or Word 2002 or another Unicode-aware and OpenType-compatible application that similarly handles Arabic. No version of WordPerfect (through v12), no version of Lotus WordPro (through v9.7), no version of QuarkXPress (through v6.5), no version of FrameMaker, and no version of PageMaker will support LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode for Windows.

At this time we know of no other programs, including QuarkXPress 7.0, or the Universal English versions of InDesign and Illustrator, that support the OpenType features in these fonts, even though these programs are Unicode-compatible and support some OpenType features. There may be other software designed for Arabic that does support the OpenType features of the LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode for Windows fonts. If you discover any program that does support these features, please contact us.

You may order Microsoft Works Suite 2006 OEM version (which includes Word 2002) for $79 at the same time you order LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode for Windows, if you do not already own Word 2002. The OEM version does not include technical support from Microsoft or from Linguist's Software, but does include built-in and online help. Help also is available from Microsoft newsgroups on the Internet. Point your newsreader to and subscribe to the desired newsgroup. (Microsoft Works Suite 2006 OEM is non-refundable.)

Microsoft Works users: Note that Microsoft Works does not include Word. Microsoft Works Suite does include Word 2002. If you use Microsoft Works, be sure you own Works Suite and you have Word 2002 installed. LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode for Windows fonts do not work in the Works word processor; you must have Microsoft Word 2002, 2003, or 2007.


The fonts will print to any Windows printer at the highest quality allowed by the printer.

All documentation, including a User's Manual, the Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys), and a Troubleshooting Manual, is in Adobe® Acrobat™ PDF format, and is installed into the Windows Start menu for easy access. Users may view the documentation on screen or print it using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it.

Files created with these fonts are compatible with the Macintosh version of LaserArabic & Farsi in Unicode. No conversion of files is necessary when transferring files to the Macintosh if the system and application requirements are met on both computers LaserArabic & Farsi Samples


Font Sample


Font Sample


Font Sample


Font Sample

Persian Samples

Font Sample

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