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Languages > Turkish > Minutka - The Bilingual Dog in English and Turkish for children
Minutka - The Bilingual Dog in English and Turkish for children

Minutka - The Bilingual Dog in English and Turkish for children
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"Both the text and illustrations perfectly depict the frenetic, easily sidetracked nature of a young puppy." —Children's Literature "Tiny, but charmingly expressive illustrations add an abundance of humour and capture the pleasure of being bilingual. This book is a gem." —Carousel With beautifully expressive, witty illustrations and an appealing contemporary design, this book shows kids how much fun it is to be bilingual by introducing them to a teeny-tiny dog who is fluent in English and Turkish —and even dreams in both languages. Anyone who has ever known and loved a pet will instantly recognize Minutka's favorite activities: she shakes paw, snatches socks, runs in circles, and has fun around the house and garden with her family and friends.

Product ID: 502820     ISBN-13: 9781840595109
Categories: Children's Books, Kids
Supporting languages: English, Turkish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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