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Negret Escultor

Negret Escultor
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Conceived as a great homage to Edgar Negret, this work organized by theme presents a step-by-step guide through nearly six decades of his creative process. It includes his early 1950s Mallorca and New York work, the discovery of aluminium, the ground breaking techniques of visible assembling, the use of industrial paint, his return to Colombia in the 1960s, journeys across America, and approximation to Latin American literature, as well as his more mature work of beautiful birds, butterflies, flowers, and toys.

Concebido como un gran homenaje al artista y organizado temáticamente, este libro recoge paso a paso su proceso creativo a lo largo de casi seis décadas: desde sus trabajos tempranos de los 50 en mallorca y nueva york, su descubrimiento del aluminio, sus novedosas técnicas de ensamblaje visible, el uso de las pinturas industriales, su regreso a colombia en los 60, sus viajes por el continente, su aproximación a la literatura latinoamericana, hasta, ya en su plena madurez, la belleza de sus pájaros, mariposas, flores y juguetes.

Product ID: 500962
Categories: Art, Photos
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
344 pages, Cloth, 10 x 12
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