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Languages > Greek (Modern) > Fonts > New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection in Unicode for Windows

New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection in Unicode for Windows
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Requires any Unicode-compatible application, such as Microsoft Word 2007, 2003, 2002, or 2000, 3.0, QuarkXPress® 7.0 or newer, Adobe® InDesign® and Microsoft Publisher.

Other components of Microsoft Office are believed to be compatible, but have not been tested. Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and earlier is not compatible.

Older, non-Unicode applications such as QuarkXPress 6.5 and earlier, PageMaker, and FrameMaker are not compatible.

Certain features of some of the fonts can more easily be typed using an OpenType input method. This method requires an application that supports the OpenType layout features built into the fonts. The only applications known to support these features are Microsoft Word 2010 or 2003, 3.2 or newer, InDesign CS4 or newer, and QuarkXPress 8.02 or newer. Other components of Office 2010 and 2003 (except PowerPoint 2003) should also be compatible, but have not been tested. QuarkXPress 7 may be compatible, but has not been tested. Microsoft Office 2007 is not compatible with the OpenType input method.

Product ID: 502913
Category: Fonts
Supporting languages: Greek (Classical), Greek (Modern)
Platforms/media types: Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 2000
Specifications: Requires Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 SP3.

Compatibility: These fonts are compatible with the Macintosh version of NT Mss Font Collection in Unicode. No conversion of files is necessary when transferring files to a Macintosh if your applications are fully Unicode-aware and compatible fonts are installed on both systems. If the OpenType input methods are used the Macintosh user must be using a compatible application.

Printer: The fonts will print to any Windows printer at the highest quality allowed by your printer.

Documentation: All documentation, including a User's Manual and Keyboard Layout Charts (showing placement of the characters on the keys), is in Adobe Acrobat™ PDF or Microsoft Word format, and is installed into the Windows Start menu for easy access. Users may view the PDF documentation on screen or print it, using Acrobat Reader, available free online if you do not already have it.

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