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Taller De Arte

Taller De Arte
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This illustrated instructional guide inspires artists of all levels to start painting or try new techniques. Lessons take the form of a real art school, where each "painting room" depicts a different element of painting with a variety of top professional artists leading the class. From watercolor to oil paint, step-by-step demonstrations are presented for 120 individual studies.

Esta guía practica, magníficamente ilustrada, inspira a artistas de todos los niveles para comenzar a pintar o tratar técnicas nuevas. Lecciones diseñadas como si se tomaran en la escuela de arte, en donde cada salón representa un elemento diferente de pintura con una variedad de artistas de alto nivel profesional conduciendo la clase. Desde acuarelas, hasta oleos, paso a paso, se presentan demostraciones de 120 estudios individuales.

Product ID: 500972
Categories: Art, Photos
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
192 pages, Trade Paper, 8 3/4 x 10 3/4
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