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Languages > Portuguese > Children's Books > Grades K~2 > That's My Mum in Portuguese and English (PB)
That's My Mum in Portuguese and English (PB)

That's My Mum in Portuguese and English (PB)
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That's My Mum in Portuguese and English (PB)

Mia, a child of mixed heritage, doesn't look like her mum and when they go out together, other people are confused. Find out how she overcomes the prejudice of being judged by the colour of her skin.

Product ID: 505689     ISBN-13: 9781852696030
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting language: Portuguese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Mia and Kai don't look like their mums. When Mia goes out with her mum, people assume that they are not related. If ever Mia, Kai and their parents go out for the day, total chaos ensues. One day Mia and Kai decide that enough is enough and they come up with a way to put a stop to the confusion. Written in the first person, Mia relates her experience of being a child of mixed heritage. Find out how she and Kai overcome being judged by the colour of their skin. 'That's my Mum' in dual language is an invaluable starting point for discussing Citizenship and PSHE topics including prejudice, discrimination and cultural identity.
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