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The Biscuit Moon in Farsi & English (pb)

The Biscuit Moon in Farsi & English (pb)
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The Biscuit Moon in Farsi & English (pb)

From award-winning illustrator Jesús Gabán and skilled writer Jesús Zatón comes Biscuit Moon.
The sun is incredibly hot, and Buffalo searches for water and food. As the sun sets, he discovers a valuable pool of water, and in it there is a huge, white biscuit moon! But Lion is also hungry and thirsty, and the two animals spark a fight that involves all the other animals... except for the greedy Vulture, and wise little Squirrel. Will Buffalo and Lion realise their foolish ways, or let their greed and anger win?
The story is told in present tense, making it perfect for EAL students, and new arrivals, who may also recognise their own life-experience in the narrative.

Product ID: 505708     ISBN-13: 9781787848351
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades 3~5, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting languages: Farsi (Persian), Persian (Farsi)
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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