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The Sanskrit Language (Hardcover)

The Sanskrit Language (Hardcover)
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The only book in English which teats the structure of the Sanskrit language in its relation to the other Indo-European languages and throws light on the significance of the discovery of Sanskrit.

This work presents a systematic and comprehensive historical account of the developments in phonology and morphology. This is the only book in English which teats the structure of the Sanskrit language in its relation to the other Indo-European languages and throws light on the significance of the discovery of Sanskrit. It is this discovery that contributed to the study of the comparative philolosy of the Indo-European languages and eventually the whole science of modern linguistics.

Besides drawing on the works of Brugmann and Warckernagel, Professor Burrow incorporates in this book material from Hittite and taking into account various verbal constructions as found in Hittite, he relates the perfect form of Sanskrit to it. The profound influence that the Dravidian languages had on the structure of the Sanskrit language has also been presented lucidly and with a balanced perspective.

In a nutshell, the present work can be called, without exaggeration, a pioneering endeavor in the field of linguistics and Indology.

Product ID: 46328     ISBN-10: 8120817672
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn
Supporting language: Sanskrit
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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