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Product Types > Software - Mac > TransCyrillic in Unicode for Macintosh OS x 10.4+ includes 1 SanSerif Font
TransCyrillic in Unicode for Macintosh OS x 10.4+ includes 1 SanSerif Font

TransCyrillic in Unicode for Macintosh OS x 10.4+ includes 1 SanSerif Font
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TransCyrillic in Unicode for Macintosh includes two keyboard layouts for use in Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. The keyboards are 1) a phonetic Cyrillic keyboard layout (based on the US keyboard) providing easy input of all the Cyrillic characters, including the Old Slavonic characters that are in the font, using deadkey input; and 2) a keyboard layout for English and many other Roman-based languages.

The only Macintosh applications we are aware of that support Unicode at this time are Microsoft Word 2011/2008/2004, Mellel, InDesign CS, QuarkExpress 7.0 or newer, OpenOffice, Pages, Nisus Writer Express, TextEdit (included with Mac OS X), Oxygen, and BBEdit. We have only tested the fonts in Word 2004, Mellel, Nisus Writer Express and TextEdit. (If you are aware of additional applications please let us know.)

Even applications that claim to be Unicode and OpenType compliant may only support a limited range of Unicode characters or a limited set of OpenType features. Contact Linguist's Software about compatibility questions and about the availability of a non-Unicode version of this product that works in all applications.

These fonts are compatible with the Windows version of TransCyrillic in Unicode. No conversion of files is necessary when transferring files to Windows if your applications are fully Unicode-aware and compatible fonts are installed on both systems.

Product ID: 1156
Categories: Fonts, Software - Mac, System
Supporting languages: Avar, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Belarus, Bulgarian, Buriat, Byelorussian, Chechen, Cheremis, Chukchi, Chuvash, Dungan, Erzya, Kabardian, Kalmyk, Kazakh, Kirgiz (Kirghiz), Komi, Lak, Lezgin, Macedonian, Mari, Moksha, Moldavian, Mongolian, Mordvin, Ossetian, Ostyak, Russian, Serbian, Tadzhik, Tatar, Turkmen, Tuvan, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Yakut
Platforms/media types: Mac
Specifications: Supports any Unicode-compatible application.
TransCyrillic Sample
Font Sample

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