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Languages > Portuguese > Children's Books > Grades K~2 > Yum! Let's Eat! in Portuguese & English (PB)
Yum! Let's Eat! in Portuguese & English (PB)

Yum! Let's Eat! in Portuguese & English (PB)
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Yum! Let's Eat! in Portuguese & English (PB)

Meet children from around the world and explore their foods and eating traditions. Discover mouth-watering dishes and join in with the characters.This is an ideal title for teaching children vocabulary and sentence structures relating to food and mealtimes and is all in the present tense. With simple text in both English and Spanish, this book from the Our Lives, Our World Series explores the rich diversity of children's lives around the world.

Product ID: 504301
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades K~2, Classroom/Schools
Supporting language: Portuguese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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